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كتابIndustrial Engineering Concepts Methodologies Tools and Applications

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تحميل كتاب من اكبر المراجع الجامعة للهندسة الصناعية
Handbook of Industrial Engineering : Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
٢٠٩٠ صفحة الحجم ١١٣ ميغا

The constantly changing landscape of Industrial Engineering makes it challenging for experts and practitioners to stay informed of the field’s most up-to-date research. That is why Information Science Reference is pleased to offer this three-volume reference collection that will empower students, researchers and academicians with a strong understanding of critical issues within Industrial Engineering by providing both broad and detailed perspectives on cutting-edge theories and developments. This reference is designed to act as a single reference source on conceptual, methodological, technical, and managerial issues, as well as provide insight into emerging trends and future opportunities within the discipline Industrial Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications is organized into eight distinct sections that provide comprehensive coverage of important topics. The sections are: (1) Fundamental Concepts and Theories, (2) Development and Design Methodologies, (3) Tools and Technologies (4) Utilization and Application, (5) Organizational and Social Implications, (6) Managerial Impact, (7) Critical Issues, and (8) Emerging Trends. The following paragraphs provide a summary of what to expect from this invaluable reference tool Section 1, Fundamental Concepts and Theories, serves as a foundation for this extensive reference tool by addressing crucial theories essential to the understanding of Industrial Engineering. Introducing the book is “Defining, Teaching, and Assessing Engineering Design Skills” by Nikos J. Mourtos, a great foundation laying the groundwork for the basic concepts and theories that will be discussed throughout the rest of the book. Another chapter of note in Section 1 is titled “Integrating ‘Designerly’ Ways with Engineering Science” by Ian de Vere and Gavin Melles, which discusses the novel techniques of adding aspects of design science into the stricter roles of engineering practices. Section 1 concludes, and leads into the following portion of the book with a nice segue chapter, “Tracing the Implementation of Non-Functional Requirements,” by Stephan Bode and Matthias Riebisch. Where Section 1 leaves off with fundamental concepts, Section 2 discusses architectures and frameworks in place for Industrial Engineering Section 2, Development and Design Methodologies, presents in-depth coverage of the conceptual design and architecture of Industrial Engineering, focusing on aspects including parametric design, service design, fuzzy logic, control modeling, supply chain systems, and many more topics. Opening the section is “Learning Parametric Designing” by Marc Aurel Schnabel. This section is vital for developers and practitioners who want to measure and track the progress of Industrial Engineering on a through the multiple lens of parametric design. Through case studies, this section lays excellent groundwork for later sections that will get into present and future applications for Industrial Engineering, including, of note: “Decision Support Framework for the Selection of a Layout Type” by Jannes Slomp and Jos A.C Bokhorst, and “Internal Supply Chain Integration” by Virpi Turkulainen. The section concludes with an...,.,


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from منتديات الهندسة الصناعية http://bit.ly/2WeAQDC